Message From Ms. DeNatale

Dear PS 199 Families, 
Welcome! We hope you had a wonderful summer with your children. We are so excited to welcome all of our wonderful PS 199 students and their families today! The students arrived eager and ready for the 24-25 school year. Our staff has been working tirelessly preparing for our students arrival and we can't be happier to see all of their smiling faces today.
Our student supplies have been provided by the school. Please make sure that your child's bookbag and lunch bag are labeled with their first and last name.
Important Information for the Upcoming School Year
1. Parent-Teacher Conference “Meet the Teacher Night”
It will be held in person on September 30 from 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm. This a valuable opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and collaborate with teachers to support their learning journey.
2.  Parent Involvement
We value and encourage your involvement in our school community. Your participation is very important to our students and our PS 199 community. 
Our first in person PTA meeting will take place September 19th at 8:15 AM in our auditorium.
3. Communication
Staying connected is crucial. Please make sure all parent contact and blue cards are update/ You can expect regular updates through our school website . We encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns. You can reach out to our Parent Coordinator Melissa Pinto at [email protected] or call at 718-339-1422 from 7:30 AM- 3:30 PM.
Please check our website for important information including our school policies and information. You will also receive NYC Public School DOE Messenger about school events and happenings!
To contact your child's teachers please use their NYC DOE email that they will provide you.
4. Afterschool Registration
This year, the CBO has lost state funding and will not be returning. We are trying to secure an additional option or program. NIA is offering a paid program and will be at PS 199 Friday 9/6 from 8:15 AM to 10 AM for registration. PLEASE NOT THERE IS A FEE FOR THIS PROGRAM. 
Thank our wonderful PTA for providing the balloons for the first day; our students loved taking their first day pictures in front of them!
It is a privilege to lead this amazing PS 199 school and community. Thank you to all of our families for entrusting us to be a part of your child's educational journey. We are excited to be on this journey with you and look forward to an amazing 2024-2025 school year. 
All the best for this school year!
Best regards, 
Lauren DeNatale